Tuesday, September 22, 2009

America on the Move Week with the Rye Y

If you haven't already gotten started with tallying your steps this week, it's not too late. Join in our effort to reach 88 million steps by September 27!

You can pick up a free pedometer at the Member Services Desk or click here for details and to download a step conversion chart and tally log.

Here are some ways (suggested by the America on the Move Foundation) to increase your steps:
At Home
Household chores, neighborhood walks, and errands are great opportunities for adding steps.

1. Circle around the block once when you go outside to get your mail
2. Walk around the outside aisles of the grocery store before shopping
3. Drive or walk to a nearby high school and go around the track: 4 laps equals approximately 2,000 steps
4. Make several trips up and down the stairs to do laundry or other household chores
5. Pass by the drive-thru window and walk into the bank or restaurant 6. Stroll the halls while waiting for your doctor’s appointment
7. Listen to music or books on tape while walking
8. Invite friends or family members to join you for a walk
9. Mow the lawn
10. Accompany your children on their walk to school
11. Take your dog for a walk Start a walking club in your community
13. Walk to a nearby store, post office, or dry cleaners to accomplish errands
14. Catch up on the day’s events with your spouse and children on an after dinner walk
15. Walk to your place of worship for services
16. Pace around your house while talking on the phone
17. Buy a walking video so you can get in your steps on rainy days
18. Experience the splendor of a sunrise
on an early morning walk
19. Spur your imagination by observing your neighbor’s landscaping and gardens while you walk — incorporate ideas from your favorites into your own yard
20. Walk to a friend’s house for a visit
21. Try “retro walking”; walking backwards distributes your weight more evenly (be
sure you’re in a safe area and are aware of your surroundings)
22. Focus on walking distance over speed, it’s better to get in more steps at a comfortable pace than to burn out quickly. Keep a walking journal, in addition to
tracking steps, jot down how you feel after returning from a walk — enhanced energy is a great motivator
24. Walk on a treadmill on rainy days or when it’s too dark to walk outside
25. March in place while watching your favorite TV show
26. Put your grocery cart back in the store after you unload purchases
27. Boost the results of your walk by using trekking poles
28. Benefit a good cause by joining a charity walk
29. Sleep more soundly at night by taking a walk a few hours before you go to bed

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