Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rye Y Staff Workouts - Iliana

Iliana – Rye Y Arts & Crafts instructor and Childwatch staff
I usually exercise in the middle of the day and it really energizes me. When I return to work I feel like my day is just beginning.

I like to use the elliptical trainer 3x a week for about 30-40 minutes while listening to my ipod. During the school year my husband and I exercise together on Saturday in the annex while our son is in Karate class.

I also try to go to a couple group exercise classes a week. Lately I’ve been going to Tatum’s Monday Pilates Fusion class or Rebecca’s Wednesday or Friday Pilates classes. They are great for stretching my 40+ year old body!

Fitness goals: Self improvement, to feel physically and mentally better, to increase my energy and help me keep up with my active family!

We’d also love to hear from you. What are your favorite classes? What equipment do you use at the Y? Add your comments and perhaps inspire other members to try something new…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!